The symposium will be devoted to recent development of foundation as well as application of theory for quantum transport processes and related quantum non-equilibrium phenomena in nanoscale systems.Subjects focused on include
- Non-equilibrium transport
- Quantum dynamics and quantum control
- Ultrafast optical processes
- Spintronics phenomena
Photos (to be uploaded)

Invited lectures/speakers
- Amnon Aharony, Tel Aviv University & Ben Gurion University, Israel
"Spin Orbit interactions, time reversal symmetry and spin filtering" - Victor M. Bastidas, NTT, Japan
- Ora Entin-Wohlman, Tel Aviv University & Ben Gurion University, Israel
"Enhanced performance of three-terminal thermoelectric devices" - Massimiliano Esposito, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
"Quantum and Information Thermodynamics, with and without factorized initial condition” - Shingo Katsumoto, ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, Japan
"“Zitterbewegung” appeared as fluctuation in transport between quantum point contacts" - Junichiro Kishine, The Open Univ., Japan
"Soliton transport in chiral helimagnet" - Leong-Chuan Kwek, National Univ. of Singapore
"Exploring Mesoscopic Physics with Atomtronics" - Michael V. Moskalet, Kharkov Polytechnical Institute, Uklaine
“A few-electron system surfing in the Fermi sea” - Yosuke Nakata, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo
"Heterodyne micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy towards observation of topological modes in magnonic crystals" - Tomohiro Otsuka, Research Institute of Electrical Communication
Tohoku University, Japan
"Charge and Spin Dynamics in a Quantum Dot-Lead Hybrid System" - Takahiro Sagawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
"Eigenstate thermalization and information scrambling in isolated quantum many-body systems" - Sergey Shevchenko,B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering and V. N. Karazin Nat'l University
"Quantum interferometry with a quantum dot" - Yasuhiro Tokura, Univ. Tsukuba, Japan
"Adiabatic and diabatic dynamics in quantum systems" - Bassano Vacchini, Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Italy
"Characterization and modelling of quantum dynamics with memory effects" - Kaoru Yamamoto, NIMS, Japan
"Efficiency bounds on thermoelectric transport in magnetic fields: the role of inelastic processes with a three-terminal junction"
Organizing committee
Chikako Uchiyama (Chair) (Univ. of Yamanashi)Naomichi Hatano (Co-chair) (Univ. of Tokyo)
Gen Tatara (Co-chair) (RIKEN)
Kazunari Hashimoto (Secretary General) (Univ. of Yamanashi)
Financial support
- Kakenhi (a Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research (No.16K13853)), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- RIKEN Center of Emergent Matter Science (CEMS)
- Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo