Poster winners
We congratulate the poster winners of this event.

Committee member Juan Carlos Rojas-Sanchez with the poster winners of the event, Mingran Xu (left) and Daichi Kurebayashi (right). Chinchero, Cusco - Peru.
Name (Institution) | Title | |
1st Place | Mingran Xu (University of Tokyo, Japan) | Nonreciprocity of magnon phonon coupling driven by surface acoustic waves |
2nd Place | Daichi Kureyabashi (RIKEN - CEMS, Japan) | Theory of spin torque in Weyl semimetal with magnetic textures |
3rd Place | Heisember Tarazona-Coronel (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru) | Thermally activated magnetic relaxation in synthetic ferrimagnets: a transition-state-theory approach |
Other Posters
Name (Institution) | Title |
Junior W. Alegre-Saenz (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru) | Study of semicircular cobalt disks for the stabilization of magnetic skyrmions |
Collins Akosa (RIKEN - CEMS, Japan) | Tuning skyrmion Hall effect via engineering of spin-orbit interaction |
David Cespedes (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru) | Anomalous spin Hall effect in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo: unprecedented giant anomalous spin Hall angle |
Americo Cuchillo (Universidad de Atacama, Chile) | Dipolar and anisotropic contributions to properly describe the magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles real systems |
Boris Divinskiy (University of Münster, Germany) | Magnons driven by the spin-orbit torque |
Felix A. Gallegos-Servigon (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru) | Study of cobalt nanomagnetic patterns for the stabilization of magnetic skyrmions |
Claudio Gonzalez (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile) | Magneto-optical detection of spin-orbit torques with oblique light incidence angle |
Yangfan Hu (Sun Yat-Wen University, China) | Tunable emergent phonons in magnetic skyrmion-like crystals distorted by coupled magnetoelastic fields |
Agustin Lopez-Pedroso (CNEA - CONICET, Argentina) | Strain effect on the magnetism of CaMnO3 |
Christian Ortiz-Pauyac (RIKEN - CEMS, Japan) | Thermal torque in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with magnetic insulators |
Milida Z. Pinto-Vergara (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru) | Study of magnetic coupling in multilayers Fe/Ti/Fe |
Gen Tatara (RIKEN - CEMS, Japan) | Spintronics theory without spin current |
Melissa S. Yactayo-Yaranga (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru) | Magnetic properties in Fe/Ag magnetic multilayers |
Kei Yamamoto (Advanced Science Research Center - Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan) | Topological characterization of classical waves: The topological origin of magnetostatic surface spin waves |